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Virtual Private Server - Definition

No doubt that Virtual Private Servers are the way to go. You save money without investing in dedicated servers. You operate as if you have dedicated servers. So spend some time here learning more about our powerful VPS technology.

VPS behaves exactly like an isolated standalone service

- Appears to have its own processes, users, files and provides full root access
- Each has its own IP addresses, port numbers, tables, filtering and routing rules
- Each could have its own configuration files for the system and app software
- Each could have its own versions of system libraries or modify existing ones
- Each could delete, add, modify any file, including files in /root, and install its own
application software or customer configure/modify root application software

Quality of Service to provide dedicated SLAs for each VPS

- Standard: Includes CPU, disk space and network guarantees
- Unique: Guarantees on memory - user and kernel, physical and virtual
- Unique: Guarantees on disk I/O and many other critical resources (over 20)

Virtual Private Servers are not Virtual Machines

- Runs only the same OS as root OS – Linux on Linux, etc.
- 10-100 times better efficiency, dynamic OoS changes for LB and more

VPS runs off-the shelf software without any changes

- Private Virtual Environments (You)
- HSPcomplete (Software) Virtualization Level
- Linux Operating Level

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